1. Tpyes of media I engage/use/read on a daily basis include: my cellphone, computer, radio, and t.v. When I was 5, I watched t.v. and listened to whatever my parents wanted on the radio. The television I watched at 5, is very different than the televsion I watched today. At 5 years old, I watched My Little Pony, David the Knome, and other cartoons. As I grew older, at age 10, I upgraded my televsion programs to shows like Lassie and used the television set to play Nintendo games. I even started to listen to music on my own. Maybe I was a little older than 10, but I remember the first cd I ever bought was 311. My dad, brother, and I went into a CD store and I had no clue what was going on. I remember just following my brother around pretending to look at cds like he was. He handed me a 311 cd and said "This cd is awsome" so I asked my dad if he would get it for me and he did. At 15 or a little before then, I started to use the computer. My friend Amanda and I would go on AOL for hours. We thought it was fun to go into chat rooms and surf the web. Amanda and I also played Sonic the Hedgehog for hours. Now, I use the computer mostly for schoolwork or to pay a bill. I play Xbox, which has an Ethernet cable so I can play live. Looking back, I can see how my use of media went from playful to serious. Even with the videogames, Amanda and I would play Sega just for fun but now it seems I play Halo2 so seriously. I mean, when I was younger I watched silly cartoons but now I watch movies which have a real plot, a problem and a solution. (If that makes any sense).
2. The following is the mediums I use with the amount of time I spend using it:
I have a really good Internet connection on my cell so I do some schoolwork on my phone or research I have to do. Sometimes I even blog for this class on it)
radio-2.5hours/day (
whenever I'm driving)
depending on schoolwork)
3. How I associate media with performing the following tasks:
math/calculation-based homework- sometimes I use my cellphone if I don't have a calculator handy or I may use the computer calculator.
read assignments- I have a Shakespeare class, so I look up sparknotes to give me an analysis on the readings. I even found a modern translation on the web called No Fear Shakespeare that I read instead of my textbook. If I dont understand what I'm reading I'll look it up on the Internet. If I do not have access to a computer I'll look it up on my cellphone-either way, I'm using the Internet. When I'm reading, I usually have the t.v. on. I don't know why or what got me into the habit of having the t.v. on and my dad always yelled at me for it, but it's just something I do. I don't even pay attention to the t.v. either!
compose a paper- definately the computer. I use Microsoft Word and the Interent to write a paper. Microsoft Word helps me with all the wonderful tools available like spell check, the types of fonts/styles, clipart, etc.
study for an exam- I may look up some topics I don't fully understand but to study I mostly stick to my class notes, handouts the professor gives out, and text book. When I study I usually have the t.v. on. It sounds distracting but it acutally helps me focus or so I think.
conduct research/ find references- Computer for sure. The Internet is, without a doubt, the main type of media I choose to do my research. There are so many places to look so it's definately the best and fastest in my opinion. I usually do a Google search and then explore the websites given. Next, I type in a different assimilation of words to see if anything new pops up.
4. I use media in my everyday taks. For instance:
driving- I always have the radio on when I'm driving. Who doesn't? Sometime sI'll pop in a cd to the cd player and listen to that. Every morning however, I listen to Z100 when I'm driving to school. It's definately part of my routine. Sometimes I text or talk on my cellphone even though I know I shouldn't.
eating a meal by myself- I always eat watching t.v. or when I'm on the computer. Mostly though, I am watchng t.v. Watching t.v. with my meal or snack makes me feel relaxed. It's great.
eating with family/friends- When I'm with my friends we watch t.v. and eat too, usually a movie. With my family we do the same although usually it's a television show or the news. The only time I don't watch t.v. and eat is at a resturant or on a big holiday like Christmas, but even on holidays my family usually plays music or has the radio on.
household chores- I usually have the t.v. on when I'm doing my chores and when I go into another room I'll blast the setero really loud until I come back and then I'll continue to watch the t.v. When I wash my car I blast my stereo so I can hear it from my garage. When I cook I have the t.v. on downstairs and in my room with the same channel. This way as I'm cooking I can watch what I want and when I go upstairs to eat, the t.v. is already set to what I was watching downstairs so I don't miss anything.
5. I barely have any free time. I always seem to be busy. However, when I do have free time, I like to relax. I love to lunge out in comfortable clothes and watch a good movie. I also like to loook through clothing magazines while I watch t.v. shows like Rock of Love or I Love Money on VH1.
TotalsSchool activities= 12
living/household activities= 11
relaxation activites= 7
Average of attending=10
6. I thought I would mostly likely use hyper attention doing household activities and deep attention doing schoolwork. Although I have the t.v. on, I focus only on my work. However, under analysis I realize I am focused on many things at once because the t.v. is on and I'm fliiping through my notebooks,text books, etc. I actually am pratcing hyper attention as my scoring relfects. Overall, I multitask with almost everything I do, even driving or relaxing! The only way I can explain this is that maybe with distractions around me, I tend to try to focus more on what I am trying to do. Or maybe I just get bored easily. I'm not sure.
Math calulation and writing a paper had the lowest numbers of all the activities listed. I think this is because I really have to focus when I'm doing either of those things. It's kind of hard to calculate numbers and do something else. Ironically, math is my worst subject. Mayeb I should consider multitasking to improve my grades. Lol
I definately have the most consistent style while eating. I'm not sure why this is. Maybe it's how I was brought up or maybe it's just because I really enjoy eating and watching t.v. It's kind of weird to eat by yourself or with others in silence anyway. Even at the movies people eat popcorn, candy, nachos, etc. I think it's something in the American culture really.
7. I would characterize myself in terms of pattern of attending as a hyper attentive person. I thought of myself as a deep attentive person with my schoolwork however this is not necessarily the case. I knew I was a major multitasker but I never looked at everything in this way. I can now see patterns for how I go about certain taks and see that I do them in similar ways every time. Just because someone is hyper attentive does not necessarily mean it's a bad thing. In fact i've noticed that areas where I am not hyper attentive I acually do the worst. I'm npt sp sure it has anything to do with multi taksing but it's worth a shot to experiment to see if anything changes!