I know exactly what I want my web page to look like but it's kind of hard to know if I will be able to do that when I can't see the page I'm going to be working on. Does anyone know the web address we're going to be using? Like the program or whatever? Please, leave me a comment and let me know.
I want to do a linear with scrolling. Kind of like how Wikipedia has that little box of topics and you can click on the topic you want, taking you right to the text. All the text is on the same page, but you can scroll down or up very easily-with just one click. I also want pictures/images that appeal to my audience. I was thinking about real people instead of cartoons. I think this will be beneficial for my particular topic (phone novels).
Another idea I was thinking instead of the linear/scrolling with nodes is a page with tabs. So I would have the topics broken down into parts with a subject word on each tab. This might be too much clicking around fo rmy user so I kind of am straying from the idea. Any opinions?
I would really like to see the details of the web page I'm going to be creating, like the backround color, font, etc.
I guess I'll just wait until class tomorrow and ask Prof. Chandler to see what she says unless someone could let me know before. Until then, I'm going to try to edit my hyertext essay so it's perfect. Prf Chandler gave not so good of a grade because I wasn't really researching I guess. IDK, we'll see what happens tomorrow when I have my editted essay. I'll be posting the changed of my hypertext essay soon. Thanks.
Safe place, no judgement.
3 years ago
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