As you all know, I am doing my hypertext on phone novels. Well, on the phone novel website I saw that there's a $1,000 cash prize for the best phone novel with 20 chpaters due by July 2009. I just thought someone might be interested. My 17th post explains how to work the text messaging with phone novels. You could even e-mail instead of texting, not to mention use the website directly.
I've learned a lot from this class so far. Obviously, phone novels for one. I took an interest for the phone novels as soon as I saw the article. It just amazed me for some reason and I had to know more. I've learned the difference between hyperattention and deep attention as well as my habits/tendencies of attending with everyday taks such as homework, driving, and household activites. The theories from some of the articles really got me thinking and opened my eyes to perspectives I would have never, ever thought about. For example, the theory where producers become users by using their program and users become producers when they add to the program (like with myspace/facebook and Wikipedia edits). I look at Wikipedia in a different light thanks to this class. I seriously never knew that anyone could add to the Wikipedia. I really thought it was set in stone and a completely reliable refrence. Now, I check on the article refrences to be sure. The Wikipedia assignment made me feel important (since my post is still up) and smart. I think the style Professor Chandler has us doing is really cool. It's something different which is nice for a change, Instead of writing in a boring notebook, we get to post on our personalized blog and even look at each other's blog, leaving comments and such. The comments can be really useful. Instead of just getting the Professor's feedback, we can get a whole classroom full of feedback. As future educators, I think it's important to take her style into consideration as an opportunity to also do something different with our own class someday. I don't know about you guys, but my other classes are so boring. The professor talks and we talk notes. Every class. This class we get to blog, do different projects, presentations, and even create a website that we can use later on. I really like this class a lot and learned so much. I even learned about myself and how much I use media. The course homepage is really helpful too. My other professors gave us a syalbus but it doesn't even make sense anymore because things changed and it's just useless now. I guess my favorite topic in the class would be the flas mobs. Theyre just so weird and random! I loved watching people's reactions when a group of people suddenly started doing kung-fu in the middle of a park for 2minutes then stop and go about their day like nothing happened. Halirious!!! I know it can be good for a statement and what not too. Writing for Cyberspace is better than what I thought it would be. I mean I was interested in the class, that's why I picked to take it, but I really feel like I learned a lot and then class isn't even over! What do you guys think? Leave me a comment and let me know.
Safe place, no judgement.
3 years ago
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